Tuesday 20 November 2012

Eliminate sugar = Eliminate PMT

I suffer from incredibly bad PMT, my doctors even suspect it may be PMDD.
Monday it started but I can't believe the difference not having sugar has made. It's stunned me...previous months of PMT have left me feeling:
low self esteem
shortness of breath
unable to focus
extremely tired with heavy legs
no patience
visual distortions
mood swings
binge eating
feeling lost and alone

.....and a few more symptoms that just make that one week unbearable.
I've been known to eat half a box of crunchy nut or a whole pack of biscuits post-menstrual.

I really think it has got to be thanks to the sugar but this month I've only had the following symptoms:
unable to focus
heavy legs occassionally
slightly less patience

!!! That's it! I'm overjoyed. This is coming from someone who has taken various medications for it such as calcium, magnesium, 5htp etc.
Now I have been taking evening primrose oil, spirulina, vitamin b&d for a while now so I don't think it's anything to do with those, as I took them before but still felt awful.
I'd recommend to anyone who suffers from PMT or PMDD to eliminate sugar completely from their diet. The results are amazing. I feel normal!

I'm also finding it easier to sleep from cutting out sugar, plus I've not had any lower back/fingers/toes pain.
I'm in love with natural yoghurt with honey or maple syrup drizzled over with fruit...soo soo good! The yoghurt is doing wonders for my skin and hair.

PS. I've been avoiding wheat too and my stomach looks flatter than it has in ages for it! Try it!

Sunday 18 November 2012

no sugar update!

I haven't had any sugar since my post! I'm feeling good and I haven't had any lower back pain or toe/finger aching in the morning, plus I have steady energy all day and am eating better. Not to mention people have commented that I've lost weight already!

Here's my favourite sweet snack to pick me up...

Lovely thick Greek yoghurt with chopped apples and maple syrup. Delicious!!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

What I ate today..

So today I ate pretty healthily. Everything sugar free

Breakfast - Muesli with grated apple and soya milk

Snacks - grapes, a satsuma

Lunch -Jacket potato with leftover home grown veggie & peanut butter stew & cheese.

Dinner- Vegetable & mung bean curry with brown basmati rice

Dessert - brown rice, sultanas, pumpkin seeds, date syrup and soya milk all mixed in a little cup mmm delicious!

So together with a long walk in the park and lots of tidying, plus yoga tonight I will be on track with getting trimmer and healthier! No festive flab for me thank-you very much.

Some recipe's I want to try!

Blueberry Almond Breakfast Polenta
Blueberry almond polenta breakfast

Oven fried Okra for nibbling

Peruvian Sopa de Quinoa
Sugar & wheat free fig cake

No more sugar!

Ok I admit it, I've not been trying very hard to be healthy. Over the last two days I've had 8 hot chocolates..and a mars bar! I woke up with terrible lower left back pain and aches in my fingers and toes. Plus I've been irritable and feeling down recently. I'm sure it's from the sugar.

It's like I've forgotten everything my doctor told me! He told me to cut back on sugar and to eat wholegrains and nibble throughout the day to keep my blood sugar levels healthy.

 So that's it! I'm off the sugar now and forever. I don't want to get diabetes that runs in my family. I don't want my skin to look older than it is and I don't want to have to deal with aches and mood swings and energy crashes.

I want to be healthy and full of energy and happy!

Here's what I'll be avoiding:
  1. Sugar
  2. Wheat
  3. Caffeine
Here's what I'll be enjoying:
  1. Fruit 
  2. Brown rice, quinoa and oats
  3. Lots of lovely water
Oats, I have no problem with, a bowl of porridge in the morning helps keep me satisfied until lunchtime with no energy crashes or lethargy.
Lunch is usually soup or rice and vegetables with hummus and salad.
For dinner I usually have omelette or some other light, low carb meal.

But most of all NO sugar!!!

I'll keep you updated.