Thursday, 19 July 2012

Good and bad healthy breakfast ideas

Today I got the results of a blood test I had a few weeks back for diabetes and blood sugar.
The results came back ok but the doctor mentioned something about a higher than normal cvt (I think)..Anyway this means my red blood cells are larger than normal. When we were talking about my food diary I mentioned that when I had bread I was feeling sluggish and he said straight away that this could be because I may be a celiac, as high cvt and celiac is somehow linked.
So basically I had some more blood taken and will know the results in a few days. It wouldn't surprise me if I do turn out to be a celiac as I get so sleepy after having wheat plus bread makes me bloated and gives me bags under my eyes.

I'm contemplating giving up being vegan, my list of foods I can't eat is getting bigger!
It includes:

  1. sugar
  2. meat
  3. dairy
  4. eggs
  5. wheat
I'm sure there is more, but I'm considering introducing eggs and fish back into my diet. I can't have dairy as I'm lactose intolerant of course so I'd still be eating very well...could anyone give me any comments, advice or support? I would really appreciate it. Thank-you.

Meanwhile, here are a few vegan breakfast ideas, should I choose to remain vegan as the only thing I'll miss is my porridge in the the captions for the links to the site and recipe.

Warm and Nutty Cinnamon Quinoa
Quinoa cinnamon breakfast bowl

Vegan rice pudding
Tofu Frittata
Healthy salad bowl

Gluten free quinoa breakfast brownie bars

Sweet potato with yoghurt  and walnuts
Fronch toast

 After seeing so many options, I'm feeling more confident and happy that I can remain vegan and still eat a wide variety of foods. Just have to remember to cook some rice, sweet potato or quinoa before I go to bed!

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