Wednesday, 18 July 2012

I made almond milk!

I've always wanted to make my own nut milk and after doing so, I felt such a sense of achievement!
Not sure why really, as I've made more difficult dishes before but this just gave me such a sense of accomplishment and once I drank it and appreciated that I had made it myself and therefore knew everything that went into it without having to worry about dodgy carrageenan and all that miscellaneous junk that I don't particularly want inside me.

As an added bonus, when making almond milk you are left with the "pulp" which is great for smoothies or just eating with agave nectar or honey stirred through as a sweet protein rich treat.
I'll never go back to buying almond milk now I know how easy and economical making your own really is.

1/2 cup of almonds, soaked overnight in water
Agave and / or salt to taste

Place almonds along with 5 cups of water in a blender (you may need to do this in two batches) with your salt and or agave.
Blend for around a minute until you have a frothy white liquid.
Strain this through a muslin cloth and that's it!

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